Week 09 - Wind of Change


Wind of Change


Not the first tree in this project, nor will it be the last. However, this week, I took a step back and considered where photography fits in the scheme of things. It seems trite and self-indulgent working on a photography project while the world feels like it's on the brink of war.

As the art world has done for millennia, the alternative is to interpret or represent chaos rather than ignore it. This week's photo is a relatively slow exposure during a strong wind. The central part of the tree spins in a vortex—turbulent times.

Ironically the 1989 song "Wind of Change" was about the collapse of the Soviet Union.

As for the photo - trees are vertical subjects, and a square crop is challenging. I would have liked the extraneous tree not to be in the frame on the left side. A couple of steps to the right may have hidden it but introduced other clutter on the right. The moment was really about the wind.

Black and white treatment does bring out the texture in the bark and accentuates the swirling leaves.

Perhaps next week will bring a more peaceful mood.

f9 1/8 sec ISO 100 Mar 3, 2022



Week 10 - Simplicity


Week 08 - Framed by Time