Photography, Beyond the Moment

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Week 19 - The Texture of Time

The Texture of Time

As explored in other posts in this series, black and white photography provides a palpable sense of texture. You can imagine running your fingers over a photo and feeling the grit. This sense is especially true of a printed image. Perhaps for another time.

When you add the element of time, the texture is accentuated and takes on a whole new meaning. Time marks the weathered and worn, cracked and peeling stone.

The stone wall dominating the center of the image is like a charcoal abstract etched in time. Less abstract, the home suggests many years of shelter with an equally textured wall and slanted chimney.

The paving stones of the street are common in most villages and cities in Portugal. Here, the well-worn stones also depict time and use.

While I don't favor upward perspectives, I find a downward perspective of interest. The house with its cobbled roof is elevated to eye level, while the downward path adds a sense of mystery.

Speaking of mystery, this is a scene to return to at night — a mental bookmark with 33 weeks to go.

f8 1/125 sec ISO 200 May 14, 2022