Week 30 - The Urban Landscape
Urban Landscape
There is an expression that, while appropriate for our life in general, is undoubtedly also true of our photographic life - wherever you go, there you are.
Whatever the setting, you will be inclined to take similar compositions using common perspectives. Week #21 featured a woodland path. Here there is a similar scene - a pathway into the distance. This type of composition adds depth and helps convey the third dimension in a two-dimension space.
In that sense, they are both landscapes. But they could not be more different. Besides being on different continents, one is of trees and earth, while the other is mortar and granite.
Still, it circles back to the mood we bring to a photograph. In this case, the urban setting is as isolated and still as the woodland scene.
The black-and-white treatment accentuates the lines, which emphasizes depth. While the texture of the bark is evident in a woodland scene here, in an urban landscape, the grit of the cobbled street is apparent.
f4 1/250 sec ISO 200 July 31, 2022