Week 52 - Photographing Silence


Soft Breeze


A year's photographic journey fittingly ends in a place of rest, a setting highly inconsistent with previous images. While most images have been outdoor or urban landscapes, this one is the polar opposite. Yet, they share a recurring theme - silence. Concepts and feelings are not genre specific.

Here I was attracted to the soft, filtered light and experimented with several frames. However, on the following day, there was an added ingredient. A steady breeze. The moment immediately brought to mind Andrew Wyeth's iconic 1947 painting 'Wind from the Sea.' (See link below.) Doors and windows were a recurring scene in many Wyeth paintings.

The goal is not to imitate or emulate other artists. But instead, to tap into what we have in common with what inspired them. The same sentiment that imprinted their work in our psyche is what resonates when we lift the camera. For example, we can almost hear the curtain fluttering in the breeze in Wyeth's painting. It is only in silence that we can detect such a subtle sound.

Besides the renowned genius that Wyeth brought to his work, some differences suggest influence, not imitation. For example, the curtain billows out more dramatically in the painting; here, it is more restrained. There is also more context in the image, such as the book on the night table.

And, of course, the most significant difference and the basis of this now concluded project. The photo is in black and white.

f2.8 1/250 sec ISO 200 December 30, 2022


Week 51 - Photography as Metaphor