Week 15 - Low Evening Light


Low Evening Light

The low light could be early morning. But here it is evening. There is a quiet that descends on a working environment that is especially calming in the evening, 7:18 pm.

That transition is stressed further in a scene that is a working environment by day. In this case, at the edge of an olive grove.

A body of work with multiple pictures has a better opportunity to convey a story. While a single image only provides clues.

Here, there is a structure used to store equipment. The dirt path, winding from the lower right, includes tractor tracks on the rain-softened ground. It is difficult to see in a small image, but the dark patch at the base of the foreground tree is a discarded tire.

In contrast to that noise and clutter, the spring evening provides a sense of settling down for the night. Soft light rakes across the grass as the tree's shadow is etched on the face of the building. They act as a sundial.

While the blue sky, green grass, and warm light might be a 'prettier' picture, a black and white image better conveys a sense of mood - a whisper instead of a scream.

f11 1/125 sec ISO 200 Apr 16, 2022


Week 16 - What If?


Week 14 - Soft Landing