Week 32 - Sketch in High Key

Example of high key photography. Amoreia Aqueduct, Elvas Portugal

Aqueduct Sketch


We find inspiration from varied sources. In my case, over time, photography has been influenced more by painting than by photography itself.

The 19th-century Hudson River School of painters were masters of light in the landscape. So, not surprisingly, the colors are warm and vibrant. However, we can also find inspiration in black and white art.

This project of strictly black and white images is an intentional response to return to photography's roots. Not as extreme as a long-term course correction but rather an opportunity to explore the challenges.

This week I found inspiration in an art form that I had never considered until recently. Charcoal drawings. There is a link below to stunning illustrations.

Typically I let the darks stay dark in black and white images - and this one has some late-day shadows. However, high-key photography is the opposite approach - exposed to accent the highlights.

In this image, the skeletal shapes and textures of the Amoreira Aqueduct seem like pencil etchings, a sketch against the bright background. The tree adds a contrast of subject and a sense of scale.

Examples of Charcoal Art

f8 1/250 sec ISO 800 August 13, 2022


Week 33 - The Transition Begins


Week 31 - What Else it Is